Nonperturbative D-brane instantons can generate perturbatively absent though phenomenologically relevant couplings for type II orientifold compactifications with D-branes. We discuss the generation of the perturbatively vanishing SU(5) GUT Yukawa coupling of type (10 10 5 H ). Moreover, for a simple globally consistent intersecting D6-brane model, we discuss the generation of mass terms for matter fields. This can serve as a mechanism for decoupling exotic matter. Introduction.-Nonperturbative mass generation by gauge instantons is essential to explain the pattern of meson masses in QCD. Specifically, QCD instantons generate a nonperturbative, effective fermion interaction [1] that involves N f flavors of quark fields and breaks the perturbative U1 A axial symmetry to a discrete Z 2N F subgroup. In this way the mass of the 0 meson gets generated [2,3]. In addition, gauge instantons of the weak SU2 gauge group are responsible for baryon number violating processes in the standard model of particle physics.
DisciplinesFollowing these observations, it would be very interesting if also some of the quark and lepton masses are of nonperturbative origin in theories beyond the standard model. For instance, Weinberg [4] suggested that quark masses could be due to gauge instantons of some hypercolor interactions in subquark models.Also in string theory compactifications, quark and lepton masses, or rather the respective Yukawa couplings, can be generated by nonperturbative effects, more precisely by string world-sheet [5] or by spacetime instantons. Most importantly, string theory opens up some new perspectives in that nonperturbative effects do not only include gauge instantons of the effective gauge theory, but also entirely stringy instantons not related to effective gauge interactions. In fact, during the last year there has been some progress towards a better understanding of nonperturbative effects in N 1 supersymmetric four-dimensional string compactifications on Calabi-Yau orientifolds ([6 -9] and further developments in [10 -19]; for closely related earlier work see [20,21]). Type IIA orientifolds with intersecting D6-branes (see, e.g., the recent reviews [22,23] for references) receive nonperturbative corrections from Euclidean D2-brane instantons, short E2-instantons, wrapping special Lagrangian three-cycles of the internal Calabi-Yau space.Once a conformal field theory (CFT) description of the background is available, the induced nonperturbative couplings can be studied using methods from open string theory. An analysis of the zero mode structure of such instantons shows that so-called O(1)-instantons [14 -17] can