I S S N 2347-3487 V o l u m e 1 3 N u m b e r 5 J o u r n a l o f A d v a n c e s i n P h y s i c s
ABSTRACTGeneral dispersion equation has been obtained for three-dimensional electromagnetic planetary waves, from which follows, as particular case Khantadze results in one-dimension case. It was shown that partial magnetic field line freezingin as in one-dimension case lead to the excitation of both "fast" and "slow" planetary waves, in two-liquid approximation (i.e. at ion drag by neutral particles) they are represent oscillations of magnetized electrons and partially magnetized ions in E region of the ionosphere. In F region of the ionosphere using one-liquid approximation only "fast" planetary wave will be generated representing oscillation of medium as a whole. Hence, it was shown that three-dimension magnetogradient planetary waves are exist in all components of the ionosphere, and as exact solutions, with well-known slow short-wave MHD waves, are simple mathematical consequence of the MHD equations for the ionosphere.