We give, as L grows to infinity, an explicit lower bound of order L n m for the expected Betti numbers of the vanishing locus of a random linear combination of eigenvectors of P with eigenvalues below L. Here, P denotes an elliptic self-adjoint pseudo-differential operator of order m > 0, bounded from below and acting on the sections of a Riemannian line bundle over a smooth closed n-dimensional manifold M equipped with some Lebesgue measure. In fact, for every closed hypersurface of R n , we prove that there exists a positive constant p depending only on , such that for every large enough L and every x ∈ M, a component diffeomorphic to appears with probability at least p in the vanishing locus of a random section and in the ball of radius L − 1 m centered at x. These results apply in particular to Laplace-Beltrami and Dirichlet-to-Neumann operators.