Background: Ear biometrics is gaining significant interest and has become the method of identification due to its biological and physiological characteristics. Aim of the work: to study the dimensions of human external ear as well as nasal index among an Egyptian population sample and use these parameters for stature and sex estimation. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 200 participants of both sexes aged 18 to 60 years, four measurements of each ear (ear height, ear width, lobular height and lobular width), nasal height, nasal width were measured by Vernier caliper; nasal index was then calculated and stature was measured by Stadiometer. Results: There was a higher male value regarding the right ear height and the right ear width, and right lobular width with statistical significance but there was a higher female value regarding the right lobular height with highly statistically significant difference. Males had higher values regarding the nasal height, width and index. We constructed regression equations to estimate the stature from right ear height, left ear height, left lobular width, nasal height and nasal width. Conclusion: From this study we concluded that stature can be estimated from external ear and nasal measurements. Novel regressions equations were constructed in the current study to estimate stature from ear and nasal measurements as well as differentiation between males and females with significant difference.