As the disease process does not affect both the ears simultaneously in all the cases, it is possible to identify in early stages of the disease process and arrest further progression by timely intervention. Hence, we aim to study the anatomical and functional changes in contralateral ear (CLE) in pts with unilateral CSOM. prospective observational study, of 75 patients attending the OPD of JLN hospital and research center, Bhilai, with unilateral CSOM, with intact TM in CLE were evaluated by otoscope, PTA, Impedance audiometry and CT temporal bone. Above observations were recorded and analyzed. 44% in our study showed abnormal TM, most common was TM retraction, seen in 22.66%. PTA showed mixed hearing loss in 5.33% and normal hearing in 66.66%. Impedance audiometry had A type graph in 82.66%, As type in 10.66%. Compliance was normal in 82.66% and decreased in 10.66%. Pressure was normal in 97.33% and was decreased in 2.66%. Normal, well pneumatized air cells in HRCT temporal bone seen in 90.66% and opacified in 12%.A detailed otoscopic evaluation of the contralateral ear plays a vital role in early diagnosis of the pathology affecting the contralateral ear. Audiological evaluation of the contralateral ear by audiometry and tympanometry provides a pathway for detecting the functional abnormalities in the contralateral ear at an early stage. Knowing the radiological status of the contralateral ear can guide us to monitor the disease progression and plan accordingly.