The Advanced Reactor Technology Graphite Research and Development Program is investigating doped nuclear-grade graphite that exhibit oxidation resistance through formation of passive protective oxides on the surface of the graphite material. In the unlikely event of an air-ingress accident, graphite components within the very high-temperature reactor core region are anticipated to oxidize if oxygen enters the hot core region and core temperatures remain above 400°C. For the most serious air-ingress accident, which might persist over several hours or days, continued and progressive oxidation can result in significant structural damage to the core. Reducing the oxidation rate of the graphite core material during any air-ingress accident would mitigate the structural effects and keep the core intact. Previous air oxidation testing of nuclear-grade graphite doped with varying levels of boron-carbide (B 4 C) at a nominal 739°C was conducted for a limited number of doped specimens and demonstrated a dramatic reduction in oxidation rate compared to similar unboronated-grade graphite. This report summarizes the conclusions from this small scoping study by determining the effects of oxidation on the mechanical strength resulting from oxidation of boronated and unboronated graphite to a 10% mass loss level. While the B 4 C additive did reduce mechanical strength loss during oxidation, adding B 4 C dopants to a level of 3.6% or more reduced the as-fabricated compressive strength nearly 50%. However, the strength for boronated graphite was reduced only 11% after oxidation while unboronated graphite strength was reduced by over 30%. For future work, this report also discusses infusing different graphite grades with silicon-and boron-doped material as a post-machining conditioning step for nuclear components as a potential solution for these challenges.