Mass optimization studies are performed within the framework of the French ERATO space nuclear power program to investigate the suitability of thermoelectric converters for an LIWFBR-derivative system. Results indicated that a Pb'Te converter in conjunction with conventional LMFBR, having a core exit temperature (907 K and cooled by NaK. (78%), offers a competitive option.The total mass of the ERATO-TE system for a beginningof-life nominal power of 25 kWe is 2600 kg. This mass is comparable to that of the reference system with a closed Brayton converter. In addition to the inherent reliability of TE converters, the radiator area (-110 m2) and total mass of the ERATO-TE system represents 73 pement of the maximum radiator area compatible with the ARIANE-V launcher, and about ! i d percent of the launch capacity to high earth orbit, respectively.
IEJTRODUCTIONIn 1982, the French BRAT0 program was initiated as a cooperative effort between the Centre National #Etudes Spatiales (CNES) and the Commissariat 'a l'Energie Atomique (CEA) to investigate various technology options for nuclear space power systems (NSPS) in the 20 to 200-kWe range. In the first phase of this program, completed in 1986, conceptual design studies of high temperature 200-kWe NSPS with a c l o d Brayton cycle, as the reference energy conversion system, were performed .In 1986, ERATO entered a second 3-year study phase to assess various reactor candidate technologies and system design options for the 20-kWe NSPS for the first European space mission, anticipated from the year 2005 onward. Because the radiator area that is compatible with the ARIANE V launcher is basically unconstrained at the 20-25 kWe level (-150 m2), low temperature conventional reactor technology such as Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors (LMFl3Rs) having a core exit temperature up to 950 K can be employed. Also, the large radiator area and the corresponding low radiator temperature suggest that either closed Brayton qycle (CBC) or low temperature thermoelectrics (l'Es) converters can rovide for an vantages of TEs over CBC are their high reliability because they are passive, and their intrinsic high redundancy and extensive flight experience.To investigate the suitability of TE conversion for an LMFBR-Derivative NSPS, this research developed a TE converters model and performed a preliminary system optimization study. The TE model is coupled to the NaK coolant in the primary coolant loop to simulate the steady state performance of an ERATO-TE power system and optimize its operation parameters for a low overall system mass and reactor core exit temperature.
DEscRlPTION OF THERMOELECI'RIC MODELacceptable system specific mass l1-41. I? owever, the ad-A steady state numerical model is developed for a TE couple of P-type and N-type semiconductor materials, which are thermally and electrically connected in parallel and in series, respectively. The TE model incorporates several choices of TE materials, including PbTe, SiGe and SiGe/GaP. The thermophysical properties of the TE materials, i...