Two ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) heating schemes proposed for the half-field operation phase of ITER in hydrogen plasmas-fundamental H majority and second harmonic 3 He ICRF heating-were recently investigated in JET. Although the same magnetic field and RF frequencies (f ≈ 42 MHz and f ≈ 52 MHz, respectively) were used, the density and particularly the plasma temperature were lower than those expected in the initial phase of ITER. Unlike for the well-performing H minority heating scheme to be used in 4 He plasmas, modest heating efficiencies (η = P absorbed /P launched < 40%) with dominant electron heating were found in both H plasma scenarios studied, and enhanced plasma-wall interaction manifested by high radiation losses and relatively large impurity content in the plasma was observed. This effect was stronger in the 3 He ICRF heating case than in the H majority heating experiments and it was verified that concentrations as high as ∼20% are necessary to observe significant ion heating in this case. The RF acceleration of the heated ions was modest in both cases, although a small fraction of the 3 He ions reached about 260 keV in the second harmonic 3 He heating experiments when 11 Romanelli F et al 2010 Proc. 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conf. (Daejeon, Korea, 2010 5 MW of ICRF power was applied. Considerable RF acceleration of deuterium beam ions was also observed in some discharges of the 3 He heating experiments (where both the second and third harmonic ion cyclotron resonance layers of the D ions are inside the plasma) whilst it was practically absent in the majority hydrogen heating scenario. While hints of improved RF heating efficiency as a function of the plasma temperature and plasma dilution (with 4 He) were confirmed in the H majority case, the 3 He concentration was the main handle on the heating efficiency in the second harmonic 3 He heating scenario.