In this paper we present status and plans for the 20-MeV R&D energy recovery linac (ERL), which is under construction at Collider Accelerator Department at BNL. The facility is based on high current (up to 0.5 A of average current) super-conducting 2.5 MeV RF gun, single-mode super-conducting 5-cell RF linac and about 20-m long return loop with very flexible lattice. The R&D ERL, which is planned for commissioning in early 2009, aims to address many outstanding questions relevant for high current, high brightness energy-recovery linacs. Figure 1: Layout of R&D ERL in Bldg. 912 at Collider-Accelerator Department, BNL: 1 -R&D ERL control room; 2 -diagnostic and control racks; 3 -703.75 MHz, 50 kW CW RF transmitter; 4 -703.75 MHz, 1 MW CW klystron; 5-2 MW CW HV power supply for the klystron; 6 -power supplies and other electronics; 7 -shielded R&D ERL vault with removed roof beams; 8 -2 MeV, 703.75 MHz SRF photo-injector; 9 -20 MeV, 703.75 MHz 5-cell SRF linac; 10 -return loop; 11 -beam dump; 12-part of the 1.8 K o cryogenic system (most of the system is outside the picture).