This study was developed with the aim to propose quantitative decision-making model in organizational change management, which is based on change equation application in real time, as an emerging ecosystem that should be further adopted in change management practice to create value in complex decision making and at the same time to increase change success. The paper opted for an integrated qualitative and quantitative research methods, based on empirical data collection. Sampling frame includes respondents from fourteen different industries in SouthEast Europe. Data analyses were carried out in three main phases using proven statistical methods. Based on the results, general hypothesis introduced in the study is supported. In other words, successful change occurs when the product of all three variables, i.e. D, V and F is higher than resistance to change, and vice versa. Also, research results show that change equation can successfully predict change outcome and explain a portion of change success variability. Finally, research fi ndings indicate that the model should be revised and further developed. Research limitations are determined by signifi cant variance in the model that may result of situational factors. Also, the research was based on a relatively limited sample and focused only on data collection from SouthEast Europe. Despite its limitations, this study can contribute both to theorists and practitioners. First, the paper contributes to the change management theory, business decisionmaking theory, organizational development theory and the behavioral theory. Second, the paper can contribute to strategic managers, change leaders, change agents and consultants who deal with change management by adopting the upgraded change model that can be applied in all phases of change process, including measurement of the change outcome.