Information and communication technologies (ICT) are present in almost all fields of human activity. The expansion of their use should be balanced by the results of the studies on the negative effects on the environment. The relationship between these technologies and the environment is relatively new. The application of environmental criteria is commonly referred to as green ICT or green computing. Awareness of the importance of the ecosystem has led to increased interest in its protection both in production and in consumption. Green ICT should be a major concern not only for the hardware and software producers but also for the users. They could stimulate the demand for less harmful products for the environment with an essential role in the after-sales stages. Companies can contribute to this process by resource efficiency, dematerialization, and minimizing e-waste, increasing recycling, and producing fewer CO 2 emissions. The decision to adopt green ICT depends on the expected benefits and investments. This decision depends on costs, competitiveness, financial support, managers and employees' characteristics and skills, legal regulations, supply, and demand. The contributions of the paper cover identifying, analysing and classifying general and specific determinants of green ICT adoption in organizations based on the literature in this field.