Fusion materials experiments require accurate neutron dosimetry measurements and damage calculations. Neutron cross section measurements are described for application at fission reactors, accelerator neutron sources, fusion reactors, and spallation neutron sources. For fission reactors work is in progress to resolve integral/differential discrepancies and to develop new reactions for dosimetry. Reactions for fusion reactors are designed for plasma diagnostics and waste generation. Spallation reactions are being measured to extend our techniques to 800 MeV for spallation neutron sources. The SPECTER computer code has been developed to routinely calculate displacement damage, gas production, recoil spectra, and total dose for 38 elements with a user specified neutron spectrum. New helium measurements and calculations are described. A new procedure is discussed for the thermal production of helium by nickel including previously neglected damage from the energetic 56 Fe recoils.