Intracellular free calcium levels have been measured in cultured central nervous system (CNS) cells by using the fluorescent indicator fura-2 and digital imaging techniques. Cells were plated from rat embryo diencephalon (embryonic day 17 or 18), with nearly all of the cells surviving dissociation having undergone final mitosis within the previous 24 hr. The initially spherical cells were observed within the first 24 hr in culture when they were extending processes but had not established a network of fibers that would prevent the identification of the origin of a given fiber. Cells that were rapidly extending showed high Ca2+ levels in the regions of growth. Where processes had just emerged from the soma or where growth was proceeding from more than one pole, Ca2' levels were uniform and estimated levels of 500 nM were commonly seen. In active growth cones distant from the soma, Ca2' levels exceeded 200 nM, whereas the soma levels were in the 60-80 nM range. Nonextended and extended cells that had stalled had uniform Ca21 levels in the range of 30-70 nM. The results show that high Ca21 levels are at least a correlate of extension in CNS cells and that under some conditions the region of high calcium can be localized to a small part of the cell.An understanding ofthe dynamics of outgrowth in cells of the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) is a critical prerequisite to understanding cell recognition and pattern formation within the CNS. Among the factors that may control outgrowth in developing neurons and other cells is the internal free calcium level in extending regions (growth cones). Elevated calcium levels, by analogy to other motile and secretory systems, could allow the local activation of actinomyosin systems to stretch or shape a growing region or promote the insertion of new membrane, as in vesicular secretion, and thereby produce outgrowth. Recent electrophysiological data indicate that transmembrane Ca transport activity exists in growth cones (1-6), suggesting the possibility of elevated Ca2" concentration. The present study has employed fluorescent Ca indicators (7-10) and a cooled, charge-coupled device (CCD) camera of the type used in astronomy over the past several years (11,12) to image free Ca2+ levels in individual cultured CNS cells from rat embryo. Such combinations have made it possible to follow short-term changes in the spatial distribution of Ca2' during physiological events in single cells (13)(14)(15)(16)(17). It is shown that cells undergoing rapid extension display very high internal Ca2' levels and that, where growing processes have extended a significant distance from the soma, the high level is localized to the growing tips. Cells in which growth has been arrested show low internal Ca2+ that is uniform throughout the cell.
METHODSCells from embryonic rat (embryonic day 17 or 18) diencephalon were trypsin-dispersed, plated on no. 1 glass coverslips coated with poly(D-lysine) at 2 x 103 cells per mm2, and maintained in serum-free defined medium as described elsewhere (1...