The biological and chemical properties of the structural junctions between righthanded B-and left-handed Z-helical segments have been the subject of considerable interest.'-" Model building shows that the conformation of at least one base pair at the junction must be different from the standard B or Z att tern.'^-'^ The junction probably involves at least several base pairs (bp),5~7~8,"~'6 which deviate from the standard B or Z double helical structure. B-Z junctions are recognized by S, and BAL 31 n~c l e a s e s '~~-~ as well as osmium-tetraoxide,lo which were originally characterized as agents that preferred single-stranded polynucleotides. However, these studies were interpreted as the recognition of structural aberrations in the double helices rather than unpaired and/or unstacked nucleotides. Also, the accessibility of bases at B-Z junctions to modification by bromoacetaldehyde was relatively low,16 further confirming this notion.More information on the structure of B-Z junctions may be obtained by hydrodynamic measurements on DNA fragments containing B-and Z-helical segments. Changes of the effective hydrodynamic length resulting from an increased flexibility or from a turn of the helix axis may be detected with particularly high sensitivity by measurements of the electric dichroism." The high sensitivity is due to the fact that the rotation diffusion coefficient obtained from the dichroism decay curves decreases approximately with the third power of the length for rodlike fragment^'^ (if the chain length is below the persistence length).This technique was used to analyse the B-Z junctions in a 153-bp DNA fragment,4 containing a central piece of 95-bp DNA derived from the E . coli lac control region with flanking segments of 26 and 32 bp of (CG). The fragment had 4 single-stranded residues at each end, which resulted from the preparation by Bam H1. An analysis of dichroism decay curves under B-form conditions (1 mM NaC1, 1 mM Na cacodylate pH 7.0, 0.2 mM EDTA) revealed two relaxation processes as expected for a fragment of this length?' The slow process with a time constant rr reflects the overall rotation of the DNA, whereas the fast process is attributed to bending. This assignment is based on the fact that the fast process is hardly detected at small field strengths, whereas its amplitude increases to substantial values at high field strengths." Extrapolation of the observed dependence of rr on the field strength E by linear regressiodg to E = 0 provided a value rp = 2.14 ps. The bending process was associated with a time constant rb = 140 ns and the bending amplitude approached a constant relative contribution of -23% at field strengths above 50 kV/cm. The values are in the range expected for our fragment. The stationary dichroism observed as a function of the electric field strength was fitted by the saturating induced dipole model" using the square root approximation.21 According to this model the limit dichroism corresponding to complete orientation is -1.34.