Although long-term memory is thought to require a cellular program of gene expression and increased protein synthesis, the identity of proteins critical for associative memory is largely unknown. We used RNA fingerprinting to identify candidate memory-related genes (MRGs), which were up-regulated in the hippocampus of water maze-trained rats, a brain area that is critically involved in spatial learning. Two of the original 10 candidate genes implicated by RNA fingerprinting, the rat homolog of the ryanodine receptor type-2 and glutamate dehydrogenase (EC, were further investigated by Northern blot analysis, reverse transcription-PCR, and in situ hybridization and confirmed as MRGs with distinct temporal and regional expression. Successive RNA screening as illustrated here may help to reveal a spectrum of MRGs as they appear in distinct domains of memory storage.Identifying the mechanisms responsible for memory formation and consolidation has long been a goal of behavioral neuroscience. Many experiments over the past few decades have demonstrated that inhibitors of transcription or translation interfere with long-term memory formation, indicating the requirement of de novo gene expression (1-4). Despite the importance of this finding, little is known about the identity and specificity of the required proteins. Changes in early inducible genes, for example, are known to occur not only during learning and memory, but also during a broad range of behaviors, including motor activity and sensory discrimination (5-10). Changes in the expression of late effector genes, such as those encoding BiP and calreticulin, have been described during long-term sensitization in Aplysia but not in associative memory (11,12). To our knowledge, no changes in late effector genes have been previously demonstrated during associative memory.To identify memory-related genes (MRGs) we have used a new and sensitive approach, RNA fingerprinting by arbitrarily primed PCR (13,14), to compare gene expression in control swimming rats with water maze-trained rats. The Morris water maze is a learning paradigm in which a rodent learns to locate a submerged island in a large pool by creating a spatial map using extra-pool cues (15)(16)(17). This learning ability represents a complex faculty involving input from different senses including visual, olfactory, auditory, and somatosensory information (18)(19)(20). The hippocampus has been shown to be a brain locus for spatial memory (21). Pyramidal cells in the rat hippocampus discharge selectively at specific locations of a spatial environment (22, 23) and maintain their receptive field when the relevant cues are removed (24) or when the light is turned off (25). Lesions of the hippocampus result in impaired acquisition of tasks that depend on spatial strategies (26-28) and spatial memory impairment parallels the magnitude of dorsal hippocampal lesions (29).
MATERIALS AND METHODSWater Maze Learning. Male Wistar rats, 60-90 days old (200-300 g) were housed individually in plastic cages wi...