The concept of a direct-flow channel reactor with supercritical-pressure water (CR-SCP) is presented. Neutron-physics, thermohydraulic, and strength calculations are used to substantiate the fundamental core design with a heavy-metal moderator which at supercritical pressure is competitive with other modern reactor designs with respect to fuel-cycle indicators. Two types of fuel-element and fuel-channel structures are examined. It is shown that fuel elements based on micropellets and a metal matrix are highly reliable and have higher operating characteristics (burnup, service life, geometric stability, and so on) than fuel elements with uranium-dioxide fuel. A CR-SCP design and the technological scheme of a power-generating unit are presented, and the systems which are required to ensure normal operation and safety are determined. The main technical-economic indicators of a power-generating unit with installed electric power 850 MW are estimated.The interest in supercritical coolant pressure in reactors is due to the fact the new reactors must be competitive. In the last few years a surge of interest has been observed in Japan, USA, Germany, France, Canada, and other countries [1]. Reactors with supercritical-pressure water are being considered as one direction in the international program for the development of fourth-generation reactors.Some countries are undertaking efforts to develop direct-flow water-moderated water-cooled vessel reactors with supercritical-coolant pressure. The core of these reactors can be designed to operate on thermal and fast neutrons with almost the same thermal layouts of the power-generating units and the same efficiency. It is important to note that a fast-neutron reactor makes it possible, aside from appreciably decreasing the capital costs, to improve fuel utilization [2], since it makes it possible to increase the breeding ratio of nuclear fuel up to 1 and aim at a closed fuel cycle. However, such reactors are characterized by a change in water density by a factor of 10 from the core entrance to the core exit. This is accompanied by a change in the neutron spectrum over the height of the core and makes it difficult to smooth and stabilize the energy-release fields not only