The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC-BarcelonaTech (UPC) developed in 2018-2019 a pilot project named Gender Dimension in Teaching, where a cooperative approach was adopted to reach gender mainstreaming in all Bachelor and Master degrees at UPC. During this project, gender issues were identified according to the experienced perception of the project participants. However, since teachers' perception might be influenced by stereotypes and prejudices, uncertainties aroused concerning its reliability. In order to overcome this issue, a students' survey design, test and improvement process was carried out. The present study analyses the results of the first version of such survey.The survey was filled by 548 people from 3 Bachelor and 4 Master STEM degrees. The percentage of women was 30%, significantly higher than 20,70%, what corresponds to the women's proportion in the 7 studied degrees. This is not surprising, given the different degree of awareness related to gender issues, where women capture more biases than men.Different aspects such as teacher's gendered attitudes, treatment received from classmates, students' participation and male and female referents have been analysed. The study has allowed to describe students' perception regarding gender equality in UPC degrees and to identify needs and weaknesses.Results indicate that the bulk of the students consider that the UPC learning context does not account for gender biases, neither in the teacher-student interaction nor among classmates. However, referents, and especially female referents, is the major weakness. Also, the equity score given to UPC by female students is always lower than the score given by male students. The bigger discrepancy among both sexes lays in the treatment received by classmates. Also, classroom participation scores present significant discrepancies between male and female students.Authors are thankful to all participating students and, especially, to the 16 teachers that have helped gathering the responses.