: We report a case of seat belt trauma with delayed ischemic ileal obstruction. A 62-year-old woman presented with symptoms and signs of bowel obstruction three weeks after an automobile traffic accident. A plain radiograph of the abdomen showed dilated small bowel loops with air fluid levels that were consistent with intestinal obstruction. Enhanced computed tomography clearly demonstrated a stenotic ileal loop with mural thickening that was associated with a mesenteric hematoma. Upper endoscopy revealed an ulcer of the ischemic ileal obstruction. The patient underwent resection of the stenotic ileal loop by single-incision laparoscopic surgery. The stenotic ileal loop was located 120 cm oral side from the terminal ileum. In gross nding, the wall of stenotic ileal loop was thickened and the adjacent mesentery was shortened with a hematoma. The mucosa of the ischemic ileal obstruction showed ulcerative changes. The abnormal ileal loop, which was 15 cm in length, was resected. Postoperative recovery was uneventful.