Scanning tunneling microscopy observations show that steps on vicinal surfaces near (110) missingrow reconstructed surfaces of metals such as Au and Pt tend to form networks. A simple microscopic model introduced here shows that these networks are unstable (or metastable) against faceting. This leads to the formation of ridges between rounded areas and of angles in the equilibrium shape of the (110) The free energy per unit of area of a crystal surface depends rather strongly on the surface orientation. Typically, especially at low temperatures, certain orientations corresponding to high symmetry directions in the crystal lattice have low free energies and appear as large flat areas (facets) in the equilibrium crystal shape (ECS).Orientations tilted over a small angle with respect to a facet are called vicinals and consist of steps separated by large terraces. The free energy of a vicinal is typically expressed as an expansion in the step density p ͑p ø 1͒.In this Letter we investigate the surface free energies of certain vicinals of missing-row (MR) reconstructed ͑110͒ facets of metals such as Au and Pt. We will show that these orientations are, in fact, not stable which leads to faceting, or in other words to the presence of sharp edges in the ECS [1]. Figure 1 shows a typical pattern of steps found on vicinal orientations of Au and Pt͑110͒ surfaces [2,3] (areas of equal contrast denote terraces of the same height). Instead of an array of parallel steps, as found ordinarily on such surfaces, one sees a pattern of zigzagging steps, which repeatedly touch each other at a collection of contact points. We call this pattern a network of steps, since we can think of it as two arrays of roughly parallel steps, making on average angles f and 2f, with the vertical direction in Fig. 1.Why is the surface forming this pattern? The explanation [3] is related to the large energy difference between two different types of steps which can be generated on the surface: the clockwise (CW) steps and the anticlockwise (ACW) steps, illustrated in the examples of Fig. 2. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) observations at room temperature show that ACW steps appear very rarely on the surface and CW steps, which cost lower energy, prevail [2,3]. In Fig. 2(a) we show two possibilities for the microscopic configurations of steps: on the left side the typical crossing pattern as observed in STM experiments; on the right side two pieces of isolated steps, coming close to each other in the given example. Figure 2(b) shows the cross section of the surface along the segment AB: going from A to B one meets a CW up step and a CW down step, with a change in the reconstruction state as shown in the figure. In the configuration on the right side of Fig. 2(a), the points C and D belong to the same terrace, and therefore belong to the same reconstructed state. Only a combination of a CW and an ACW step matches this requirement [ Fig. 2(c)]. The situation where four terraces meet in a single point is favored, since only