PETER JAMES SMITH, KANCHUGARAKOPPAL S. RANGAPPA, and KENNETH CHARLES WESTAWAY. Can. J. Chem. 63, 100 (1985).Secondary a-deuterium kinetic isotope effects have been determined for the elimination reactions of 2-phenylethyl halides with tert-butoxide in tert-butyl alcohol at 40°C in the presence and absence of the crown ether 18C6. The second-order rate constant k, and the normal (kt'/kD), effect remained constant when the tert-butoxide concentration was varied for reaction of the iodo and bromo compounds. However, both the magnitude of k, and the secondary a-deuterium isotope effect were significantly dependent on [t-BuO-] when chlorine and fluorine are the leaving groups. It is noteworthy that (kH/k"),, is inverse for the reaction of both the chloro and fluoro compounds at "low" base concentrations and normal at "high" base concentrations. These results are discussed in terms of both syn-and anti-elimination pathways promoted by various associated and dissociated base species. It is suggested that the (kH/k"),, effect may be useful as a criterion for determining the stereochemistry of E2 elimination reactions.PETER JAMES SMITH, KANCHUGARAKOPPAL S. RANGAPPA et KENNETH CHARLES WESTAWAY. Can. J . Chem. 63, 100 (1985). Operant 3 40°C et en prtsence ou en I'absence de I'tther couronne 18C6, on a dttermink les effets isotopiques cinttiques secondaires des deuterium en a sur les reactions d'klimination des halogtnures de phenyl-2 Cthyles par la tert-butylate dans I'alcool tert-butylique. Dans les cas des compos6s iodCs ou bromCs, la constante de vitesse du deuxikme ordre (kZ) ainsi que I'effet normal (kH/k"),, demeurent constants lorsqu'on fait varier la concentration du tert-butylate. Toutefois, lorsque les groupes nucltofuges sont soit Ie fluor ou le chlore, ['amplitude de k2 ainsi que I'effet isotopique secondaire des deuterium en a varient d'une f a~o n importante avec la concentration de I'ion tert-butylate. I1 est notable que, pour les rkactions des composts fluorCs ou chlorCs 3 de "basses" concentrations de base, la valeur (kl'/k"),, est inverse; toutefois, h des concentrations "ClevCes" de base, cette valeur est normale. On discute de ces resultats en fonction de voies d'eliminations syn et anti qui sont PavorisCes par diverses cspkces basiques associCcs et dissocites. On suggkre que I'effet (kk'/k"),, pourrait etre un critkrc utile pour dCterminer la sttrtochimie des rCactions dlCliminations E2.[Traduit par le journal]The elimination reaction of the 2-arylethyl derivatives with different leaving groups Y, ArCH,CH,Y, has been extensively studied (1 -6) under a variety of solvent/base conditions. It has been established that the majority of the reactions proceed by way of the E2 mechanism following the anti pathway (5,7). Experimental studies (8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14) have demonstrated that the structures of the respective E2 transition states vary significantly in accord with theoretical re dictions (15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20).The reaction of the 2-arylethyl quaternary ammonium ions with base has been-shown to h...