Carbinoxamine maleate, CI6H20CIN20 +. C4H304, crystallizes in space group P21212~ with a = 10.527 (3), b = 11.151 (3), c = 17.626 (4) A andZ= 4. Diffractometer data were collected with Cu Kct radiation and the structure was refined to an R value of 0.045 using 1448 observed reflections. The compound crystallizes with spontaneous resolution of the enantiomers and the absolute configuration of carbinoxamine was determined to be S in the crystal under investigation. The crystal is built by ion pairs linked by an intermolecular hydrogen bond. The five-membered aminoethyl chain assumes a conformation such as to reproduce the distance between the amino N and the centroid of an aromatic ring already observed in other antihistamines with different chains. Conformational-energy calculations suggest that the conformation found in the crystal corresponds to a minimum for the free ion.