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NRC Publications Archive Archives des publications du CNRCThis publication could be one of several versions: author's original, accepted manuscript or the publisher's version. / La version de cette publication peut être l'une des suivantes : la version prépublication de l'auteur, la version acceptée du manuscrit ou la version de l'éditeur.
NRC Publications Record / Notice d'Archives des publications de CNRC:http://nparc.cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/view/object/?id=357c916e-19e7-4437-b461-25622e976464 http://nparc.cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/fra/voir/objet/?id=357c916e-19e7-4437-b461-25622e976464 Wako-shi, Saitama 351, Japan ReceiVed: April 27, 2005; In Final Form: July 12, 2005 The conformation of the six-membered ring of pyranosyl sugars has pronounced effects on the physical and chemical properties of carbohydrates. We present a method to determine key features of the potential energy surfaces, such as transition states associated with the inversion pathways of the model compounds cyclohexane, tetrahydropyran, p-dioxane, m-dioxane, s-trioxane, and 2-oxanol. Finally, we make the first determination of the pathways for inversion of penta-O-methyl-R-D-glucopyranose and penta-O-methyl--D-glucopyranose. For both anomers, a transition state with five coplanar atoms with appreciable O E character was found. The method is based on constrained Car-Parrinello ab initio molecular dynamics, as implemented in the projector augmented-wave (PAW) method. The constraints are derived from the normal modes of six-membered rings and are described in terms of the canonical conformations 1 C 4 chair, 1,4 B boat, and O S 2 skew-boat. The PAW derived trajectories are in agreement with previous suggestions in the literature that pseudorotation is an important feature of such conformational interconversions. The dynamic nature as well as the internal coordinate-based constraints provide a method which can reliably accommodate pseudorotation. To determine semiquantitative energies, we recalculate key conformations using standard quantum mechanical calculations while keeping the ring dihedral angles frozen at their values found in the dynamics. In all cases where experimental barriers are known, our results are in excellent agreement.