The improved methods developed recently for the preparation of lo(@-chlorophyll derivatives have permitted a detailed comparison of their conformations with those of the corresponding 10(R) derivatives, utilizing ' H NMR spectroscopy. Starting from the highly purified lo(@ derivative and following its conversion to the corresponding 10(R) form by repeated ' H NMR spectral measurements in acetone-&, reliable values for the differences in the chemical shifts (As) for each epimeric pair of compounds have been obtained. The relatively large A8 values (0.1-0.2ppm) observed for the P-l-CH,, P-H-2, P-3a-CH3 and 10b-CH3 signals were interpreted as indicating the proximity of the C-10 methoxycarbonyl group and the olefinic region of the phytyl group in the lo(@ derivatives. The proximity between these side-chains was considered to be derived principally from the three closely spaced carbonyls in the lo(@ derivatives. To miniize repulsion among the carbonyls, the C-7 and C-10 side-chains presumably assume conformations allowing maximal mutual distances for the carbonyls. As a compromise of various energetic factors, the phytyl group takes up a conformation where it bends to the right hand side of the macrocycle, or above rings V and III. This results in steric crowding between the olefinic region of the phytyl group and the C-10 methoxycarbonyl group. In addition, the other chemical shift increments show that the steric crowding between the bulky side-chains of the lo(@ derivatives increases the steric strain at the periphery of the macrocycle, relieved by pronounced conformational changes in rings IV and V and, to a lesser extent, also in the whole phorbin ring. The conformational differences were found to be larger for the magnesium-free epimers than for the chlorophylls. In the former case, they were also manifested by relatively large A6 values (0.1-0.5 ppm) for the pyrrole NH protons.