1. R-Acetate was generated enzymically from R-acetate in the sequence acetate + malate -+ oxaloacetate -+ acetate, and S-acetate likewise from S-acetate. It was concluded that the formation of malate on malate synthase involves the operation of a normal isotopic effect combined with inversion of configuration. The malate synthase k H / k 2 " was determined as 3.7 -t 0.5 by a method which yields results independently of the stereochemical purity of the chiral acetates used initially.2. R-Acetate was also generated from R-acetate in the sequence acetate -+ citrate -+ malate -+ oxaloacetate -+ acetate, and S-acetate likewise from S-acetate. The conclusion is the same as given above, but refers to the formation of citrate on the re-synthase.3.
2S,3R-[2-2H1,3-2H1,3H1]Malate and 2S,3 S-[2-2H1,3-2H~]malate were prepared from 2 S -[2,3-2H3]malate by treatment with fumarase in tritiated water and normal water, respectively. It was assumed that these malate specimens were pure with respect to chirality as generated by isotopic labelling. 4. These two malate specimens were partially converted (about 9%) to acetates in conditions where no racemization at the level of transiently formed oxaloacetate occurred. That no racemization took place was demonstrated experimentally. Oxidative enzymic hydrolysis of 2S,3R- strenghtens the conclusion that stereochemically pure chiral acetates were analyzed. The malate synthase ~H /~L H was determined from the data of this study as 3.9 k 0.2.