We report a 56-year-old patient with acute wrist trauma. He presented with painful swelling in the area of the anatomical snuff box of the right hand. Plain radiograms revealed a scaphoid fracture ( Figure 1).However, the patient reported a history of repeat wrist trauma in the past years. Concerning the appearance of the fracture in the plain radiogram it was not definitely clear, whether this is a recent or an old fracture. Therefore, an MR examination was done to differentiate between old or recent fracture.The presence of significant bone marrow edema allowed the definite diagnosis of a recent scaphoid fracture (Figure 2 Cinematic and volume rendering of a scaphoid fracture Cinematic Rendering is a novel innovative post-processing technique to create photo-realistic three-dimensional images [1,2]. In comparison to conventional volume rendering techniques the 3D images appear more natural with Cinematic Rendering [1][2][3][4][5]. This new method is not primarily intended for radiologic diagnostic image reading. Possible applications in primary radiologic image diagnosis have to be evaluated in future studies. However, in a routine setting we use it already for demonstrating and teaching anatomy on the basis of CT and MR data sets (virtual anatomy) [6].