All the main fragmentation pathways undergone by trans-4-and trans-2-p-substituted phenylcyclohexanols have been studied, and the ionic abundances have been correlated with the u constants. This analysis shows that electron withdrawing substituents, increasing the fraction of molecular ions having sufficient energy to decompose, favour all fragmentations. However, along with this 'non-specific' substituent effect, there is a 'specific' effect, in the opposite sense, increasing the formation of the [M-59]+ and [M-851' ions with increasing electron releasing power of the substituents. The loss of water, although it is almost exclusively a 1,4 elimination in the case of trans phenyl cyclohexanols, is not specifically influenced by the substituents.The elimination of water trom alcohols under electron impact is a long studied process. Acyclic and cyclic alcohols' have been subjected to extensive investigations. Stereochemica12 and other subtle aspects3 have been studied.However, the influence of other functional groups or atoms on the abundance of the [M-18]' ions has not been investigated extensively. In order to investigate this, we have studied4 the behaviour under electron impact of p-substituted phenylcyclohexanols. The publication of a study on the stereochemical aspects of this fragmentation in 4-and 3-phenylcycl~hexanols~ prompted us to record our conclusions, which differ from those reported in the abovementioned paper. Our work concerns a series (1-13) of trans-4-and 2-phenylcyclohexanols and some deuterated analogues (1-4-d,, 2-4-d1, 7-4-dl).