Ap alladium-catalyzed protocoli nvolving oxidative C-Hs ulfamidation of electron-deficient terminal alkenes is described for the stereoselective synthesiso fZ-enesulfonamides.T he possible intramolecular hydrogenb onding between the sulfamido proton (SO 2 N-H) and the carbonyl oxygen (C=O) of the ester group provides extra stability to the resulting alkyl-palladium complex as wella st ot he transition state.N otably,t his reactiono perates at room temperature under ligand-free conditions andd oes not require any inert atmosphere or dry solvent or expensivet erminal oxidant. Thep resentp rotocole nables the stereoselective synthesiso fZ-enesulfonamides from the primary sulfonamides ando fE-enesulfonamides from N-substituted sulfonamides.F urthermore,t he selectived eallylation of sulfonamides in the presence of an N-benzylg roup was performed under the abover eactionc onditions.[a] Reaction conditions: 1a (50 mg, 0.29 mmol), n-butyl acrylate (112 mg, 0.87 mmol.), catalyst (10 mol%),o xidant(3equiv.), additive (3 equiv.), solvent (3 mL), room temperature,overnight. n.r. = no reaction.