The enzymatic cleavage of a scissile P-0 The opportunities for the application of phosphonate analogues of biological phosphate esters are as many and varied as the enzymes that operate on phosphate esters. Their successful application in agriculture and in medicine leaves no doubt about the scientific and industrial importance of these species. Thus, glyphosate (1) is arguably the world's most successful herbicide, with sales in excess of 1 x lo9$ per annum, a range of substituted methylene bisphosphonates, e.g. hydroxyethylidenebisphosphonate (2), are important for the control of osteoporosis and related problems, phosphonomycin (3) is a useful broad-spectrum antibiotic, while phosphonoacetic acid (4) remains the standard test compound for evaluation of inhibitors of the HIV reverse transcriptase (Scheme 1). Rational analysis shows that phosphonate analogues of phosphate monoesters (5a) can either replace one of the nonbridging oxygens, as in a meth-0 1991 VCH Publishers, Inc.