DPparte~?lerrt cle Chimie, Urriversite' d e Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Que'.) C a~l a t f a JIK 2RI Received July 25, 19772 PATRICK GENESTE, ROBERT DURAND, JEAN-MARC KAMENKA, HELMUT BEIERBECK, ROBERT MARTINO, and JOHN K. SAUNDERS. Can. J. Chern. 56, 1940Chern. 56, (1978.The carbon-13 chemical shifts for a number of relatively rigid ketoximes are presented. It is shown that the chemical shift difference, A6 (sj~rr-onri), for the carbons a to the oxime carbon depends on the dihedral angle between the C=N and C. -H bonds. This stereochernical dependence is then used to determine the preferred conforn~ation of substituted cyclohexanone oximes.PATRICK GENESTE, ROBERT DURAND, JEAN-MARC KAMENKA, HELMUT BEIERBECK, ROBERT MARTINO et JOHN K. SAUNDERS. Can. J. Chen~. 56, 1940Chen~. 56, (1978.O n rapporte les diplacements chiniiques du carbone-13 d'un certain nombre de cetoximes relativement rigides. O n dinlontre que la difference des deplacements chimiques, A6(sj~rr-orrli), pour les carbones en a du carbone de I'oxirne depend de I'angle diedre entre les liens C=N et C,-H.O n utilise ensuite cette correlation sterCochimique pour determiner la conformation privilegie des oxinles de cyclohexanone substitues.[Traduit par 1e journal]Currently, carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13Cmr) is an infornlative and important technique for conformational analysis. The shielding parameters have been shown to be very sensitive to environment (I) such that relatively small conformational changes lead to significant chemical shift variations. During a study of the reactivity of ketones and ketoximes, it was necessary to have increased knowledge of their confor~liations i l l solution. From earlier reports (2, 3), it appeared that 13Cmr may furnish such information since AS(syna l~t i ) values for the carbons a to the oxime carbon are significant and hence we undertook a study of the 13Cmr chemical shifts of a number of relatively rigid ketoximes. In this paper we present the results of this study and their subsequent use in the conformational analysis of substituted cyclohexanone oximes.signments for the remaining conlpounds were made with the aid of single frequency off-resona~lce decoupled (sford) spectra, from the chemical shifts f o r the corresponding ketones (4), a n d the observation (2,3) that for carbons a to the C=N bond, the carbon sy17 to the OH group is shielded relative to the a l~t i position. Also, for oximes whose corresponding ketones do not have two-fold symmetry, disting~~ishable isomers exist, which were generally present in unequal amounts. For compound 2, carbons I, 2,4, 6, 7 (the quaternary carbon), and 8 (the CH, carbons) were readily assigned from the sford spectrunl. T h e protons on carbon 2 have a chemical shift difference of 1 ppm (5) and thus this carbon appeared in t h e sford spectrum a s the X part of an ABX system, whereas the other methylenes appeared as the normal triplets. The remaining resonances were assigned t o carbons 3 and 5 o n the basis of the different shifts in-