Despite many years of invention, the field of carbohydrate chemistry remains rather inaccessible to nonspecialists,w hichl imits the scientific impact and reacho ft he discoveries made in the field. Aiming to increase the availability of stereoselective glycosylation chemistry for nonspecialists,w eh ave discovered that several commercially available pyrylium salts catalyze stereoselective O-glycosylations of aw ide range of phenols and alkyl alcohols.T his catalytic reaction utilizes trichloroacetimidates,a ne asily accessible and synthetically proven electrophile,t akes place under air and only initiates when all three reagents are mixed, which should provide better reproducibility by non-specialists. The reaction exhibits varying degrees of stereospecificity, resulting in b-selective glycosylations from a-trichloroacetimidates,w hilst an a-selective glycosylation proceeds from btrichloroacetimidates.Amechanistic study revealed that the reaction likely proceeds via an S N 2-like substitution on the protonated electrophile.