The use of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) is not well studied or reported in the treatment of gynecologic malignancies, despite its success in the definitive management of other cancer sites. This report describes a rigorous quality assurance process for patients to undergo dose escalation to the pelvis via stereotactic photon beam irradiation. Patients who receive SBRT must be ineligible for conventional brachytherapy boost and undergo comprehensive informed consent. Fiducial placement, bowel prep, Foley catheter placement with standardized bladder filling, computerized tomography (CT) simulation with whole-body immobilization, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-assisted target delineation, planning aims based on the established brachytherapy literature, and physics consultation for SBRT plan optimization are necessary. Prior to each fraction, the simulation position is reproduced and verified with on-table cone beam CT, and the position is maintained with whole-body immobilization. Following treatment, the treating physician is active in survivorship and toxicity management. Gynecologic SBRT is an ongoing area of study, and preliminary successes in delivering high-quality stereotactic dose escalation suggest prospective investigation is warranted. By adhering to strict quality control measures and following a pre-defined best standard of practice, patients with gynecologic malignancies who are ineligible for traditional brachytherapy procedures can be safely treated with SBRT.