There has been a resurgence of interest in stereotactic procedures for epilepsy and functional neurosurgical disorders. There are several factors responsible for this. The most important is the significant improvement in brain imaging which has come as a consequence of the development of computerized tomography and, in particular, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). T h e s e procedures have improved the spatial definition and resolution of imaging and have made image-guided surgery easier, more accurate and more accessible to mainstream neurosurg e r y. T h e improvements in imaging have worked in concert with an increased understanding of the pathophysiology of epilepsy disorders such that the identification and selection of targets has a stronger scientific rationale than was previously available. In addition to these important developments, there is a large historical basis for the use of stereotactic procedures in the treatment of epilepsy with some interesting if not promising initial results.Finally the general trend towards minimally invasive surgery is responsible for the need to re-examine stereotactic procedures. With the trend towards minimizing surgical exposure and patient discomfort and shortening hospital stay, there will be a further need to re-examine the use of stereotactic functional procedures.
ABSTRACT:In light of the recent resurgence of interest in stereotactic functional procedures, the authors have reviewed the role of stereotactic ablative surgery in the treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy. Literature pertaining to stereotactic amygdalotomy, hippocampotomy and fornicotomy is reviewed and summarized. However, the results presented in those early studies are difficult to interpret given the surgical techniques and outcome assessment used. Modern stereotactic ablative surgery using current image-guided technology offers the opportunity to revisit some of these techniques. In recent studies of stereotactic amygdalohippocampotomy, outcomes are not as favorable as those obtained with standard temporal resections. However, these relatively discrete ablative techniques may shed light on the anatomical substrate underlying temporal lobe epilepsy.RÉSUMÉ: La chirurgie stéréotaxique dans l'épilepsie temporale. Dans l'optique d'un regain récent d'intérêt pour les procédures fonctionnelles stéréotaxiques, les auteurs ont revu le rôle de la chirurgie ablative stéréotaxique dans le traitement de l'épilepsie temporale. La littérature concernant l'amygdalotomie stéréotaxique, l'hippocampotomie et la fornicotomie est revue et résumée. Cependant, les résultats présentés dans les études antérieures sont difficiles à interpréter compte tenu des techniques chirurgicales et des moyens d'évaluation des résultats utilisés. La chirurgie ablative stéréotaxique moderne utilisant la technologie sous guidage par imagerie offre l'occasion de revoir certaines de ces techniques. Dans les études récentes de l'amygdalohippocampotomie stéréotaxique, les résultats ne sont pas aussi favorables que ceux obtenus par les résecti...