. Can. J. Chem. 68, 1393 (1990). IH NMR and 13C NMR spectral data are presented for 1,2-dimetho~~benzene-a,a'-~~C, as well as for a number of other anisole derivatives. For the title molecule, the coupling constants between the I3C nucleus in the side chain and the para ring proton or 13C nucleus in the benzene ring show that the expectation value of sin2 8 is very near 0.2 at 300 K, where 8 is the angle by which the methoxy groups twist out of the aromatic plane. This value of (sin2 8) is much larger than that of 0.05 for anisole in solution, emphasizing the greater conformational mobility of the methoxy groups in 1,2-dimethoxybenzene (DMB). Long-range coupling constants between the methyl and ring protons in DMB are also discussed and compared with those in anisole and some of its derivatives. The preponderance of conformations with large values of 8, thought to occur in the vapor, disappears in solution at ambient temperatures. Under these conditions, the molecule is perhaps best described as preferring a planar conformation in which, however, the methoxy groups undergo excursions in 8 whose average value is near 25".Key words: 1,2-dimethoxybenzene, conformational behaviour, internal mobility, long-range coupling constants, I H and I3C NMR. Introduction The conformational behaviour of 1,2-dimethoxybenzene (DMB), veratrole, has been studied extensively with somewhat mixed results. Early STO-3G MO computations, with geometries based on calculations for anisole, have the 0°,900 (see 1)