~ Electron impact mass spectral data for each of the four isomeric 16,17-, 15,17-and 14,17-diols of Imethoxy-1,3,5( 10)-estratriene and the 15,17-diols of 3-methoxy-l4fl-l,3,5(lO)-estratriene are reported. The mass spectra of the diols show very similar fragmentation patterns except for differences in the relative abundance of particular ions. The different IM -H,Oj+'/[M]+' and IM -2H,O]+'/IM]+' ratios can be used for distinguishing between the four isomeric 3-methoxy-1,3,5(1O)-estratriene-l4,17-diols as well as between the four isomeric 3methoxy-14fl-1,3,5( 1O)-estratriene-l5,17-diols. No significant differences could be detected in the spectra of the epimeric 16,17and 15,17-diols of 3-methoxy-l,3,5(lO)-estratriene.