Infection of the human central nervous system (CNS) by the larvae of
Taenia solium, termed neurocysticercosis (NCC), is endemic
in most developing countries, where it is a major cause of acquired seizures and
other neurological morbidity, including neuropsychiatric symptoms. However,
despite its frequent manifestation, some findings, such as cognitive impairment
and dementia, remain poorly understood. Less commonly, NCC may affect the
ventricular system and subarachnoid spaces and this form is known as
extraparenchymal neurocysticercosis. A particular presentation of the
subarachnoid form is called racemose cysticercosis, which has a progressive
pattern, frequently leads to hydrocephalus and can be life-threatening. Here we
review a case of the racemose variety of cysticercosis, complicated by
hydrocephalus and reversible dementia, with remission of symptoms after
derivation and that remained stable with use of dexchlorpheniramine. We discuss
the challenges in diagnosis, imaging findings, treatment and follow-up of this