Hypercholesterolemia is a primary cause of atherosclerosis and subsequent cardiovascular events. Genetic factors play a major role in regulation of plasma cholesterol levels, with heritability estimated to range from 40 to 70% [reviewed in ( 1 )]. Over 100 genomic regions have been associated with changes in plasma lipid levels ( 2-5 ). Despite the large number of putative candidate genes identifi ed, the functions of many remain largely unknown, owing in part to the lack of physiologically relevant in vivo models with which to validate and characterize the functionality of associated variants ( 3, 4, 6-13 ). Development of novel models in which genes can be individually targeted will likely reveal functional roles for genetic determinants of blood lipid levels and may facilitate discovery of novel targets for drug development.The zebrafi sh is an excellent candidate for establishing genetic models of hyperlipidemia due to conservation of cell types and molecular pathways involved in lipid metabolism and cholesterol synthesis ( 8,(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20). These include hepatocytes, adipocytes, and pancreatic acinar cells ( 17 ) as well as expression of genes involved in lipid transport and metabolism, such as LDL receptor ( ldlr ), sterol regulatory element binding protein ( srebp ) 1/2 , and HMG-CoA reductase ( Hmgcr ) ( 18-29 ). Consequently, mechanisms of lipid metabolism, storage, absorption, and transport are highly conserved in zebrafi sh, allowing for physiologically relevant investigation of these processes ( 20,28,(30)(31)(32)(33)(34). Moreover, targeted suppression of gene expression can be easily achieved in zebrafi sh embryos, making assessment of the resulting larval phenotypes feasible for a large number