Recall that a function is Ac-continuous if its restriction to each compact subset of its domain is continuous. We call a topological group G a Ac-group if each ¿-continuous homomorphism on G is continuous. As we will see in §1, where elementary properties of Ac-groups are studied, Ac-groups are the appropriate topological group analogue to Ac-spaces. As one would expect, they provide a useful tool for the study of dual groups topologized with the compact-open topology. In §2 we show that the duality map on an abelian Ac-group is always continuous, and in §3 we give some extensions of the Pontrjagin-Van Kampen duality theorem. As a corollary we show that each closed subgroup of a countable product of locally compact abelian groups satisfies duality, extending the principal result of [8]-that the inverse limit of a sequence of locally compact abelian groups satisfies duality.1. Elementary properties. Recall that where (A", t) is a topological space and k(t) = {U^ X : For each compact Fs X, U n K is relatively open in K}, (X, k(t)) is a topological space and k(t) is called the Ac-extension of t. (Also, when (A", t) is denoted as X, (X, k(t)) is denoted as AcA" and is called the Ac-extension of A".) The topology k(t) is the largest topology on X coinciding on compact sets with t and X is called a Ac-space if A"= AcA". Obviously A" is a ¿-space if and only if each Ac-continuous function on X is continuous. Where (G, t) is a topoligical group, let kg(t) denote the supremum of all group topologies t' satisfying t' -¿k(t); and where (G, t) is denoted as G, denote (G, kg(t)) as kgG.
Proposition.If (G, t) is any topological group, then kg(t) is the largest group topology for G coinciding on compact sets with t. Thus (G, t) is a k-group if and only ifkg(t) = t.Proof. Since the supremum of any collection of group topologies is a group topology, kg(t) is a group topology ; since t S kg(t) ^ k(t), kg(t) coincides on compact sets with / and by definition kg(t) is the largest group topology with this property. If (G, t) is a Ac-group, then the identity map from (C7, t) to (G, kg(t)), which is a Ac-continuous homomorphism, is continuous, so t=kg(t). Conversely, suppose t=kg(t) and let/be a ¿-continuous homomorphism on G. Let t' be the smallest