This paper considers the aeroelastic optimization of a subsonic transport wing box under a variety of static and dynamic aeroelastic constraints. Three types of design variables are used: structural variables (skin thickness, stiffener details), the quasi-steady deflection scheduling of a series of control surfaces distributed along the trailing edge for maneuver load alleviation and trim attainment, and the design details of a linear quadratic regulator controller (for flutter suppression), which commands oscillatory hinge moments into those same control surfaces. Optimization problems are solved where a closed-loop flutter constraint is forced to satisfy the required flight margin, and mass reduction benefits are realized by relaxing the open-loop flutter requirements.= aerodynamic influence coefficients E = elastic modulus, GPa F grav , F thrust = inertial and thrust force vectors g, ω = modal damping and frequency J = control cost K,K, K s , K = wing, panel, geometric, and reduced stiffness matrices K LQR = linear quadratic regulator feedback matrix KS σ , KS μ = stress and buckling failure functions L = semispan, m L α , L β , L δ , L γ , L p = downwash vectors L jig = jig shape downwash M = reduced mass matrix N = maneuver load factor P, Q = aerodynamic interpolation functions p = roll rate, rad∕s q = dynamic pressure, Pa Q, R = state and control weighting matrices q = design variable vector S L , S m , S p = pressure integration vectors U, U EAS = true, equivalent air speed, m∕s U LQR = linear quadratic regulator design speed, m∕s u ASE = input hinge moment vector W = total vehicle weight, N x, x A = modal amplitude and aerodynamic state vector x ASE = aeroservoelastic state vector x s , x a = structural solution vectors α = angle of attack, deg β = aileron deflection, deg γ i = lag roots γ s , γ a = control surface deflection vectors δ = elevator deflection, deg μ n , v n = panel buckling eigenpair ν = Poisson's ratio ρ = density, kg∕m 3 σ Y = yield stress, MPa