Conservative: As a result, Conservative Judaism, expounded by Zahariah Frankel, emerged during the nineteenth century as a response to Reform Judaism and its promotion of constant evaluation and evolution in secular society (Langman, 1999;Markowitz, 1982). Conservative Judaism does affirm that some changes to the religion are inevitable, although it holds on to traditional Judaic belief of halakha (foundation of Jewish law) and moderate adherence to the dietary laws ("Conservative Judaism", 2013;Kertzer, 1953;Langman, 1999). Conservative Jews welcomed Western beliefs in regards to manner, culture, and education and believed these changes could be done due to the succession of changes in Jewish history ("Conservative Judaism", 1974; as cited in Langman, 1999; "Conservative Judaism", 2013).Counterstories: anecdotal and autobiographical stories of resistance usually shared by people of color that provide alternative ways of knowing about marginalized populations' negotiations of the world (Chapman, 2007; Critical Theory: a theoretical framework developed by Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, and Herbert Marcuse that challenges the status quo of objective, positivist research; in addition, they set out to examine the structures of injustice that shape society