Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) is one of the mechanisms limiting power scaling
in inertial confinement fusion (ICF). In this work, we demonstrate the effective
suppression of SRS by the combined effects of static density fluctuations and an
azimuthal magnetic field with a propagating chirped laser pulse. In the presence of
an azimuthal magnetic field, chirped laser pulse propagates through a density-rippled
plasma and undergoes stimulated-forward Raman scattering (SFRS), resulting in
two radially localized electromagnetic sidebands waves and a lower-hybrid wave.
Absolute and growing modes saturate due to ion density fluctuations, which then
suppress instability growth through mode coupling. The modes modified by the
combined effect of chirp and azimuthal magnetic field are effectively damped after
saturation. As a result, the overall growth rate of the instability reduces. The
comparison of positive and negative chirp demonstrated that when a positive chirp is
being used, instability is more effectively suppressed. Based on non-local theory, we
have analyzed the growth of the SFRS for positive and negative chirp and estimated
it for ICF-relevant parameters and observed the effect of the growth rate.