Bovine /c-caseinoglycopeptides (i.e. residues 106-169, CGP) were prepared from /e-casein digested with rennin and a commercial whey protein concentrate. CGP from whey protein concentrate was further divided into seven CGP fractions having different carbohydrate compositions using FPLC. Unfractionated CGP inhibited lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-and phytohaemagglutinin (PHA)-induced proliferative responses of mouse spleen cells and rabbit Peyer's patch cells. The unfractionated CGP also inhibited antibody responses to sheep red blood cells in mouse spleen cell cultures. However, seven CGP fractions having zero to five iV-acetylneuraminic acid (NANA) residues had different inhibitory effects on both LPS-and PHA-induced proliferative responses of mouse spleen cells. The inhibitory effect on PHA-induced proliferative responses increased with increasing numbers of NANA residues, whereas that on LPS-induced proliferation was highest with the CGP fraction having two NANA residues. Both inhibitory effects decreased significantly after neuraminidase or chymotrypsin digestion. These findings indicate that both the carbohydrate (particularly the NANA residues) and the polypeptide portions are essential for inhibitory effects on LPS-and PHA-induced proliferative responses of mouse spleen cells.Since the discovery by Waugh & von Hippel (1956) of a rennin (EC, Ca-stable fraction in casein, which they named K-casein, there has been considerable interest in the properties of this protein. At present, K-casein is considered to be the sole glycosylated component of the casein group and exhibits heterogeneity that can be attributed to genetic variations not only in the protein portion but also in the composition of carbohydrates. The bond sensitive to rennin hydrolysis occurs between Phe 105 and Met 106 . The specific cleavage at this bond forms para-/c-casein (residues 1-105) devoid of carbohydrates and /e-caseinoglycopeptide (CGP; residues 106-169) containing all carbohydrates. The sites of glycosylation have been identified as Thr 131 , Thr 133 , Thr 135 , Ser 141 and Thr 142 of CGP. The constituent carbohydrates from normal bovine milk have been found to be mainly galactose (Gal),iV-acetylgalactosamine (NAG) andiV^-acetylneuraminic acid (NANA), and the structure of the main O-glycosidic carbohydrate chains has also been clarified (Eigel et al. 1984).