It is possible to obtain synthesis of PPi by artifical ion potentials in Rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores. PPi can be formed by K +-diffusion gradients (A ~,), H + gradients (ApH) or a combination of both. In contrast, ATP can only be synthesized by imposed A~u or d~,+dpH. For ATP formation there is also a threshold value of K + concentration below which synthesis of ATP is not possible. Such a threshold is not found for PP~ formation. Both PPi and ATP syntheses are abolished by addition of FCCP or nigericin and only marginally affected by electron transport inhibitors. The synthesis of PPi can be monitored for several minutes before it ceases, while ATP production stops within 30 s. As a result the maximal yield of PPi is 200 nmol PPi//tmol BChl, while that of ATP is no more than 25 nmol ATP/Itmol BChl. The initial rates of syntheses were 0.50/tmol PPd/lmol BChl per min and 2.0/tmol ATP/~tmol per min, respectively. These rates are approx. 50 and 20% of the respective photophosphorylation rates under saturating illumination.Acid-base jump; Bioluminescence; H +-ATPase; H +-Pyrophosphatase; K +-diffusion potential; (Rhodospirillum rubrum)