A range of bacterial products and related synthetic compounds, either alone or in combination, enhance nonspecific resistance to infection and tumors. These compounds, which vary in their other properties such as pyrogenicity, toxicity and adjuvancy, were used to assess the hypothesis that nonspecific resistance is mediated by induction of the L-arginine: nitric oxide (NO) pathway. The results obtained show that agents which stimulate nonspecific immunity, such as endotoxin, muramyl dipeptide (MDP) and combinations of monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL) with either trehalose dimycolate (TDM) or MDP cause a substantial induction of Ca(2+)-independent NO synthase in murine lung. In contrast, agents which do not stimulate nonspecific resistance, such as either MPL or TDM alone or threonyl MDP (ThrMDP), do not induce NO synthase. This difference in the ability of MDP and ThrMDP to induce NO synthase in the lung in vivo was also manifest in peritoneal macrophages in vivo as well as being evident in the greater than 100-fold greater potency of MDP in inducing the enzyme in vitro in lung slices. In contrast to the good correlation between induction of NO synthase and induction of nonspecific resistance, no correlation was observed with either the toxic effects of these agents or their adjuvancy.