Sea urchin early histone genes are active in preblastula embryos; late histone genes are maximafly expressed during subsequent stages of embryogenesis. We used the Xenopus laevis oocyte to assay for trans-acting factors involved in this differential regulation. Sea urchin nuclear proteins were prepared by extracting gastrula-stage chromatin successively with 0.45, 1, and 2 M NaCl. We injected three fractions into oocytes along with plasmids bearing sea urchin early and late H2b histone genes. While neither the 0 to 0.45 M nor the 1 to 2 M salt fraction affected H2b gene expression, the 0.45 to 1 M salt fraction stimulated early and late H2b mRNA levels significantly. Late H2b gene expression was stimulated preferentially when the early and late genes were coinjected into the same oocytes. This extract did not stimulate the accumulation of transcripts of injected herpesvirus thymidine kinase genes or of the sea urchin Spec 1 gene, suggesting that the stimulatory activity is not a general transcription factor. We localized the DNA sequence required for the stimulatory effect to a region of the late H2b gene located between -43 and +62 relative to the transcription start site. A component of the 0.45 to 1 M salt wash fraction specifically bound to the 105-base-pair late gene DNA sequence and to the corresponding early gene fragment. The abundance of this binding activity decreased on a per genome basis during early development of the sea urchin.The sea urchin synthesizes several distinct sets of histone proteins during early embryogenesis (7, 32). These include early isotypes, synthesized from fertilization to the blastula stage, and late isotypes, synthesized from the blastula stage onward. Each set of proteins is encoded by a distinct class of genes. Early histone genes are repeated several hundredfold in the genome and are organized in tandem quintets, each comprising genes for the five major histone types. In contrast, late histone genes are present in only 6 to 12 copies per genome and are arranged in irregular clusters (6,21,22,27). The developmental switches in the synthesis of early and late histone isotypes are caused largely by changes in rates of transcription of the two gene sets (23,28,35).The Xenopus laevis oocyte has proven highly useful in the analysis of transcriptional processes (9, 10). A variety of genes, including histone genes, are accurately transcribed after microinjection into oocyte nuclei, and the injection of genes with mutated promoter regions has enabled the identification of elements required for transcription in the oocyte (16). The Xenopus oocyte system has also been used to identify a trans-acting factor involved in the processing of sea urchin histone mRNAs (34) and, more recently, to identify a factor capable of stimulating sea urchin early H2b gene transcription (30).We used the Xenopus oocyte to examine the mechanisms underlying the differential expression of sea urchin early and late histone genes. We found that an extract of sea urchin gastrula-stage chromatin stimulated the ...