The E2 algebra has three elements, J, u, and v, which satisfy the commutation relations [u, J] = iv, [v, J] = −iu, [u, v] = 0. We can construct the Hamiltonian H = J 2 + gu, where g is a real parameter, from these elements. This Hamiltonian is Hermitian and consequently it has real eigenvalues. However, we can also construct the PT symmetric and non-Hermitian Hamiltonian H = J 2 + igu, where again g is real. As in the case of PT -symmetric Hamiltonians constructed from the elements x and p of the Heisenberg algebra, there are two regions in parameter space for this PT -symmetric Hamiltonian, a region of unbroken PT symmetry in which all the eigenvalues are real and a region of broken PT symmetry in which some of the eigenvalues are complex. The two regions are separated by a critical value of g.