“…As reviewers of this literature have noted over the years (e.g., Goodson & Morrison, 1980), successful DVA trials cannot be distinguished from unsuccessful DVA trials on the basis of eye movement records. Consider, too, that near-perfect pursuit gain has been reported under some conditions for target speeds as great as 100 deg/s (Meyer, Lasker, & Robinson, 1985), even though dozens of investigators have reported that DVA begins to decline at velocities well below this value, typically between 30 and 60 deg/s (e.g., Burg, 1966; Burg & Hulbert, 1961; Goodson & Morrison, 1980; Ludvigh & Miller, 1958; Reading, 1972). Given that DVA depends on the final efficiency of the entire optic and oculomotor system, it is probably not surprising that the relationship between a single (although critical) component of the ability and ultimate performance is less than perfect.…”