The ability of an animal to detect weak sensory signals is limited, in part, by statistical fluctuations in the spike activity of sensory afferent nerve fibers. In weakly electric fish, probability coding (P-type) electrosensory afferents encode amplitude modulations of the fish's self-generated electric field and provide information necessary for electrolocation. This study characterizes the statistical properties of baseline spike activity in P-type afferents of the brown ghost knifefish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Shortterm variability, as measured by the interspike interval (ISI) distribution, is moderately high with a mean ISI coefficient of variation of 44%. Analysis of spike train variability on longer time scales, however, reveals a remarkable degree of regularity. The regularizing effect is maximal for time scales on the order of a few hundred milliseconds, which matches functionally relevant time scales for natural behaviors such as prey detection. Using highorder interval analysis, count analysis, and Markov-order analysis we demonstrate that the observed regularization is associated with memory effects in the ISI sequence which arise from an underlying nonrenewal process. In most cases, a Markov process of at least fourth-order was required to adequately describe the dependencies. Using an ideal observer paradigm, we illustrate how regularization of the spike train can significantly improve detection performance for weak signals. This study emphasizes the importance of characterizing spike train variability on multiple time scales, particularly when considering limits on the detectability of weak sensory signals.
Key words: electrosensory afferent; electrolocation; interspike interval analysis; Markov process; spike train variability; weak signal detectionSurvival in an animal's natural environment is dependent on the ability to detect behaviorally relevant stimuli, such as those caused by predators and prey. Being able to reliably and efficiently detect such signals at weak levels confers a competitive advantage. Thus many sensory systems, including the electrosensory system discussed here, have presumably experienced selective pressures over the course of evolution to improve detection performance for weak sensory signals.The decision of whether or not a stimulus is present must ultimately be based on a change in the spike activity of primary afferent nerve fibers. In many cases, this change must be detected in the presence of ongoing spontaneous activity. Intuitively, a subtle change in spike activity caused by a weak external signal should be easier to detect when the baseline activity is regular and predictable than when it is irregular and subject to random fluctuations. To understand the limits on signal detection performance, it is thus important to characterize the variability of baseline activity in primary afferent spike trains.A common approach for characterizing spike train variability is by analysis of the first-order interspike interval (ISI) distribution (Hagiwara, 1954;Moore et al., ...