where the subscript c implies that conditioning is done on the same data as those used to obtain (K(x))c. These conditional moments constitute optimum unbiased predictors of the random, and therefore generally unknown, system states q(x) and h(x), respectively. We are interested here in computing the state predictors (q(X))c and (h(x))c together with the conditional second moments of the associated prediction errors, q'(x) and h'(x), in 12 and on F. Obviously, the same line of reasoning applies to the unconditional counterparts of the above set of statistical quantities. As will soon become obvious, merely replacing the parameters of standard deterministic models by their (conditional or unconditional) ensemble mean values leads to biased and suboptimal results. One way to render deterministic models more suitable for randomly nonuniform media is to use "effective" or "equivalent" parameters traditionally obtained by some method of "upscaling." Among the more rigorous theoretical criteria of equivalence for hydraulic conductivity are those proposed by Indelman and Dagan [1993] which, however, are not easy to implement in practice. A major conceptual difficulty with upscaling is that it postulates a local relationship between (conditional) mean driving force and flux (in the form of Darcy's law) when, in fact, this relationship is generally nonlocal, as we shall soon see. We describe in this paper a formal method of localizing the above relationship (thereby allowing an effective hydraulic conductivity to be defined in an ensemble sense) and explore its performance numerically. Another conceptual difficulty with traditional upscaling is that it requires the a priori definition of a numerical grid even in the absence of firm theoretical guidelines for its selection. Both the nonlocal and localized approaches we describe in this paper are independent of grid specifications; in our approach a grid is introduced only after, not before, problem formulation.Deterministic alternatives to (conditional or unconditional) Monte Carlo simulation seek to predict flow and transport under uncertainty without having to generate random fields or variables. One approach is to write a system of partial differential equations satisfied approximately by the first two (conditional or unconditional) ensemble moments of a quantity such as hydraulic head [Zhang, 1998] In this paper we describe a numerical method derived rigorously from the exact conditional moment equations for steady state flow originally developed by Neuman and Orr [1993a]. The extension of the methodology to unconditional moment equations is straightforward. Taking the conditional ensemble mean (expectation) of (1) where Gc is the deterministic Green's function associated with
Exact Second Conditional Moment EquationsThe (54) and I is the identity tensor. Whereas the first term on the right-hand-side of (53) is isotropic, the second term is generally anisotropic. Since Kc(x) is defined on the support scale to, it is a local rather than an upscaled effective para...