Well-posedness is proved for the stochastic viscous Cahn-Hilliard equation with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions and Wiener multiplicative noise. The double-well potential is allowed to have any growth at infinity (in particular, also super-polynomial) provided that it is everywhere defined on the real line. A vanishing viscosity argument is carried out and the convergence of the solutions to the ones of the pure Cahn-Hilliard equation is shown. Some refined regularity results are also deduced for both the viscous and the non-viscous case.with Neumann boundary conditions for u and w. Consequently, the stochastic formulation of the system is given bywhere W is a cylindrical Wiener process on a certain Hilbert space U and B is a suitable operator integrable with respect to W .The main motivation behind the mathematical analysis of stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equations is to provide a theoretical starting point to study further models with stochastic perturbations which are relevant in terms of applications. Among all, in the last yearsWe recall that, since · 1 is equivalent to the usual norm in V 1 , the restriction of −∆ to V 1,0 is an isomorphism between V 1,0 and V * 1,0 . In particular, it is well defined its inversewhere for every v ∈ V * 1,0 , the element N v ∈ V 1,0 is the unique solution with null mean to the generalized Neumann problem