Research has been conducted on methods for risk assessment of fuselage splice joints containing multisite damage (MSD), and extensive test data from MSD specimens have been obtained. The objective is to propose a test databased methodology for probabilistic analysis of lap splices with MSD. In the probabilistic analysis, the failure characteristics of nine noncorroded MSD specimens under fatigue loading were examined, and a failure criterion was proposed involving an aggregated lead crack in a segment where the rst linkup occurred. A curve-tting technique was used to characterize the growth behavior of the aggregated lead crack in each specimen. The total fatigue life of each specimen was divided into two stages: damage starting and damagegrowth. The starting life was assumed to follow a lognormal distribution derived from the test data. In the growth stage, a stochastic damage growth model was developed based on the censored test data. This model, along with the derived distribution of the visible damage starting life, was used to predict the probability of failure for the MSD specimens tested. Comparisonsbetween the data from analysis and test were made and are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed model.
Nomenclaturea = length of aggregate crack a cr = critical crack length f N 0 .¢ ¢ ¢/ = probabilistic density function of visible damage starting life K max = maximum stress intensity factor N = number of load cycles N g = damage growth life N t = total fatigue life N 0 = visible damage starting life Q N 0 = median value of observed visible damage starting life P.¢ ¢ ¢/ = cumulative distribution function Q; b = deterministic constants in damage growth function q = logarithm of Q R = stress ratio of loading spectrum U = logarithm of crack length u i ; v i = random numbers between zero and unity X = lognormal random variable associated with damage growth rate Y = logarithm of damage growth rate Z = normal random variable associated with damage growth rate Z 0 = normal random variable associated with visible damage starting life 1K = stress intensity factor range ¹ N 0 = mean value of visible damage starting life ¹ Y = mean value of Y ¹ Z = mean value of Z ¹ Z 0 = mean value of Z 0 ¾ N 0 = standard deviation of visible damage starting life ¾ Y = standard deviation of Y ¾ Z = standard deviation of Z ¾ Z 0 = standard deviation of Z 0 8.¢ ¢ ¢/ = standard normal distribution function